A Fast and Cost-effective Method to Determine the Relative Degree of Polarity Interaction in Solution

Neopharm offers cutting-edge Experimental Polar Surface Area (EPSA) services, a fast and cost-effective method to determine the relative degree of polarity interaction in solution.

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Our standardized EPSA method assesses polarity by retention time under controlled SFC conditions, providing essential information for the interpretation of bioavailability and pharmacokinetics studies.

We understand the difficulties in accurately assessing and quantifying the degree of polarity in solution, which can hinder the interpretation of bioavailability and pharmacokinetics data. Neopharm recognizes these challenges and offers tailored solutions to overcome them.


Advanced EPSA Method 

Our state-of-the-art EPSA method, developed based on industry-standard techniques, allows for accurate assessment of polarity by retention time. We employ controlled SFC conditions and contemporary analytical scale SFC instrumentation to ensure reliable and reproducible results.

Easy Implementation 

Implementing the EPSA assay into your research workflow is straightforward, thanks to its compatibility with existing analytical setups. We provide comprehensive guidance and support to ensure a smooth integration of EPSA into your bioavailability and pharmacokinetics studies.

Transferability and Reliability 

The EPSA assay is easily transferable between different laboratories and instrumentation setups, enabling seamless collaboration and data consistency across multiple research sites. Our rigorous quality control measures ensure the reliability and robustness of the EPSA method.

Informed Decision Making 

The EPSA assay equips you with crucial insights into polarity interaction, enabling informed decision making in drug design, formulation optimization, and prediction of permeability.

Cost-Effective Solution

Our EPSA services offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional methods of assessing polarity, providing rapid and reliable results without compromising accuracy.

Enhanced Data Interpretation 

By incorporating EPSA data into your bioavailability and pharmacokinetics studies, you gain a deeper understanding of drug behavior and can make more accurate predictions about absorption, distribution, and elimination properties.

Neopharm Answers to Common Questions about EPSA Services:

EPSA plays a vital role in drug development by providing insights into the polarity interaction of compounds, which directly influences their permeability and pharmacokinetic behavior. It aids in designing drugs with improved bioavailability and predicting their pharmacokinetic properties.
Originally developed by Gilles Goetz et al at Pfizer, EPSA utilizes supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) technique for peptides, enabling improved permeability design and acting as a valuable permeability surrogate.

EPSA offers several advantages over traditional methods. It is a fast and cost-effective technique that utilizes standardized SFC conditions, providing accurate retention time-based assessments of polarity. EPSA is easily transferable, reliable, and compatible with contemporary analytical scale SFC instrumentation.

Yes, EPSA data can be seamlessly integrated into bioavailability and pharmacokinetics studies. It enhances the understanding of drug behavior, allowing for more precise predictions of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion properties.

Take advantage of Neopharm's leading-edge EPSA services and gain valuable insights into polarity interaction for your drug development projects. Our advanced methodology, easy implementation, and commitment to reliability ensure accurate and rapid assessment of polarity. Contact us today to discuss your specific requirements and how we can help you achieve your goals.

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