Loreleï Durand: The impact of Curiosity in Science

Loreleï encapsulates the essence of curiosity as a driving force in scientific exploration.

Lorelei’s scientific journey was fueled by her innate curiosity, a deep desire to “understand the world around us and solve scientific puzzles.”

His interest in molecular biology stems from his belief in the practical applications of scientific theories to address real-world challenges, from health issues to environmental concerns. “I have a very cartesian mind; sciences offer a way to understand the world with rigor and objectivity. »

To pursue her passion, Lorelei emphasizes the importance of determination, discipline and mentorship. Overcoming obstacles during her school years, she found strength in having a mentor and a support network of colleagues who shared similar career choices. “It’s important not to stay alone, surrounding yourself with people with the same career choices allows you to overcome obstacles, I think of my colleagues who, some of them, have become friends.”

Memorable career moments: Leading the way in biotechnology.

Key career moments include the pride of publishing research during her doctoral studies and the transformation opportunity at Neopharm, where she moved from a sales role to a project management office (PMO) role. These experiences made her a pioneer in biotechnology.

Inspiring Figures: From Rosalind Franklin to Patricia Gauthier of Moderna

“At the beginning it was not female figures but an interest in genetics that pushed me to continue my studies in biology. » says Lorelei “Afterwards I would say that Rosalind Franklin was one of the first female names to have had an impact on me. She is the pioneer in molecular biology to have proposed the helical structure of DNA, a structure refined by the famous Watson and Crick.

So far, I have met many female figures at conferences, each more inspiring than the last in their field. » Lorelei cites other examples such as Patricia Gauthier, Canadian CEO of Moderna, and Penny Walsh McGuire, CEO of CASTL. “These are two remarkable examples of career paths that I admire.”

Advice for girls aspiring to a career in science: Be curious, be bold!

Lorelei encourages young girls who aspire to a career in science to “be curious, self-aware and resilient.” She advocates for challenging gender stereotypes, emphasizing that women have an important place in science and management positions. Her advice is to be bold, persevere and proactively build a professional network from the early stages of their education.

We can never have enough about Lorelei, take a look at her interview done by Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, UdeM (in French)

QU’EST-CE QUE TU DEVIENS ? Loreleï Durand, Ph.D. Biologie moléculaire (youtube.com)



Loreleï Durand

PhD Molecular biology, MBA

Project Manager Office  

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